Good Morning, Angel
Good Morning, Angel
You'll be waking soon
Good Morning, Angel
To this happy tune
Look at this boundless horizon
The sun is on the rise
This sun, you'll start realizin'
Will soon be in your eyes
Good Morning, Angel
Come, stretch your wings
See what the future brings
[BG chorus]
Hey, Good Morning, Angel
Angel stretch your wings X2
Instrumental interlude 4 measures
Good Morning, Angel
Your abilities
Good Morning, Angel
Are your golden keys
Life is your own self-creation
There's so much you can do
Living the source of causation
Is up to only you
Good Morning, Angel
Reach for the sky
Now you must learn to fly
[BG chorus]
Hey, Good Morning, Angel
Angel, learn to fly X2
Instrumental interlude 8 measures into bridge
Open your eyes to the wond'rous beauty of the day
Come hear the music softly playing
Yes, open your heart to the lovers lost along the way
Simply a tender word guides their way home
Instrumental Interlude 8 measures
Good Morning, Angel
You can make your way
Good Morning, Angel
To a brand new day [spoken: For us all!]
You are the hope of the masses
To save humanity
Though you could save all our asses
You might leave two or three...
[just kidding, he said Musical Comedies sell! ~ alternative/original lyrics are written and available below]
Good Morning, Angel
Knowing you'll fly
We'll see you fly sky high
[Alt/Orig Verse already done 1984 re: 'You are the hope,' above, follow - open/optional]
Let's see your manifestation
Choose your reality
Make life a real celebration
Be all you choose to be
Good Morning, Angel...
Instrumental finale
Lyrics open to tweaking via Gregor Rice after the script is complete
Music: Copyright 1984 Mark Kieswetter & Gregor Rice ~ Lyrics: Gregor Rice
Gregor~Rice Publishing & Production ~ BMI ~ 260-495-3211 after 11 a.m. ET
[this piano rendition recorded on a boombox at the time of writing may be a little fast]
[much thanks to Dad & Mom for the loan of their boombox else all would have been lost!]
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Return to Original Stellar Lineup Page for way old, new, and in-between creations, with Top Tens & Honorary Top Tens! But no Broadway. That's all here! Come to think of it, as I just have, most of the greater works such as these have yet to be recorded!