Gregor Rice IS StarKamp!
With more music awards than wall space... see latest Song of the Year award linked below... Gregor rises out of the ashes again and again. This old~soul~2nd generation, awakened StarSeed Hybrid was playing piano before she could walk says Mom. Photos forthcoming. Defying death time and again, complete with angelic visitation, she lives to complete her StarSeed mission: multi~faceted StarKamp!, Black & Bluzae, and other stellar works. A 7~time FireWalker hit by Lightning 3 times, hence the fire and lightning logo on each page, Gregor's StarSeed abilities are verily at the fore re: demos linked to project presentations... or at least they were before all the extreme toxic injuries. Graced with brilliantly intelligent, sensitive, multi~talented, and supportive old~soul~awakened StarSeed Hybrid parents, Gregor's hybrid abilities were protected and survived a contrary world, so make the most of what's left of here before it's too late.
Grounding every last bit of life she can muster, Gregor manifests one facet of the full StarKid project via this stellar StarKamp! Broadway Musical, one of 3 musicals ready to rock and roll given collaboration on scripts, with a stellar musical~adventure film also in wait. Other highly awarded works to date via American and international music festivals, published works, continued Top Ten ratings via peer reviewed sites, Cream of Tonos, ISC 2015 Song of the Year Gospel genre, with several current non~exclusive licensing contracts add to credits. Gregor currently enjoys same including an honorary all-time Top Ten status plus 4 To Ten hits at once, one of those also in Top Ten Classical/Contemporary, and a Top Ten Production award, at Broadjam. Plus! a number of single hits ready for placement, with many written yet to be recorded, Gregor is always eager for new creations as well. Review some of the aforementioned via [Shabbethai photo linked from the Gregor Rice photo below is from The StarKid Project 1988]
Being an old soul and awakened 2nd generation StarSeed Hybrid of the highest order, Gregor heads up a world~changing, multi~faceted, global peace and plenty project, StarKamp!, in wait of funding for the full Monty, including the virtual reality web platform presented in a calming, peaceful forest setting. She highly recommends reading, Awakened Empaths by Luna and Sol to get up to speed, though there are many informative works on the indigo population these days. See also: and to spare yourself the worst of et al. StarSeed Hybrid demonstrations with Jump It Up! audio track currently back in IN Top Ten, and Walk! re: 7XFireWalker, from the unbelievably true and amazing Stories of Tarajories, also in process and up for full production, are linked below. See also, a partial listing of musical works thru the years: masters, demos, and pre~demos from way back, solo and with long~time intermittent partner, jazz master, Mark Kieswetter, the work thrives with more to come. Love and Light personified, she remains.... In Service to Light & Sound...
Dispensing with the yada yada above... for a cut to the chase: This... is me. Otherwise, check out the few links below.

Broadjam artist's page ~ with more hits yet to be recorded
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