'Twas the wee 90s when I powered up the old studio gear early one sunny morning. As I leaned over to turn on the venerable Fostex tape deck set diagonally in the corner just clearing the south window, I glanced out over vibrant gardens on my swing back to the core of it all. Much to my surprise, a ring of faerae folk, averaging maybe 3 feet tall, all surely dressed in their finest attire, radiant in joyous stature with a soft glow about them, were holding hands in a colorful 20-ish foot diamater wreath in the clearing just across our mesmerizing emerald lagoon.
Some appeared similar to the popular garden gnomes, some more like dwarves, and some resembling leprecauns of old Ireland, with delicate, but larger than normal fairies, and possibly a miniature angel or two, providing scintillaing sparkle here and there as they joyfully Dansed in the round. An interesting mix, I must say, still puzzling me this day as to the reason for their Sacred Celebration... ...and for their truly once-in-a-lifetime invitation, albeit too short lived it was.
The scene lasted but a few seconds, though the 'slow motion of other-worldly experience' that set in made it seem longer. I stood in awestruck reverence for the glimpse into their magical realm, being graced from time to time with a precious gift here on The Hill. Watching, waiting, straining my eyes, my heart, to make them reappear, but alas, they did not. These, n'er to be seen again in our 42 years' tenure at the 2018 writing of this memento. Wonderous inspiration filled my being, mystical music flooding the tapes thereafter with awe, wonder, and a greater stretch of extended range perception encoded into enchanted refrains.
And so it goes with our beloved and beautiful Legendary Sacred Site and Grid Node, genuinely prospering with Divine realms. This photo a rare miss of the event, with a painting by the master in lieu, possibly forthcoming at some point in time, conveying the scene etched forever in my mind's eye recalled in blooming color with its heartfelt emotion fully intact. Until then, another unbelievably true and amazing story from The Stories of Tarajories Collection for the exercise of your own mind's eye... for those who know... ...and ONLY... for those who know.

Earlier the same morning I snapped a 35mm slide of one of our precious fauns. It had that 'magical' energy about it, and I've kept it out for the StarKid script re: Dawn Danse all these years. I should have known something extraordinary was in the works that day. Notice the 'clearing' in question behind the faun, bathed in Divine Light.
All Stories and Photos from The Stories of Tarajories Collection (c) 1990 through 2018 S. Gregor Rice. Now playing: Dawn Danse, from The StarKid Project 1987, creator/executive producer Gregor Rice, music Mark Kieswetter and Gregor Rice, available for full production and marketing. The work inspired by this event, recorded at the time is at large in the archives to be found and mastered ASAP. All photos, stories, scripts, music, StarKid project, StarKamp!, Foster the Light, and Broadway musicals are available for full production in various and multi-media formats.
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