~ Tarajories ~
Hill of Health ~
~ More Facts
This page will be elaborated on but for now, with time always of the essence, let the following facts remain. The main point is making this a Win~Win situation for all. The MAX~Q Light & Sound Therapy System in the front bay can still be completed for around $500 USD in remaining materials. It can now be used in an interin version in the front bay window seat long enough to lay with head to the north and feet to the south without the huge 'waterbed' 9 foot triangular platform out into the room as shown on the MAX~Q page.
Our package is known for its climactic as well as its atmospheric and interdimensional anomalies. The weather here has become much milder year round than adjunct arenas at large with their known extremes. We seem to be in a sort of 'Null Zone' now since learning to commune with the Site. Currently, the cell phone issues have been resolved, however, the CB frequency, if those are even still in use... probably not... remains a mystery.
Our climate in the perimeters of the property lines, especially noticeable out at the driveway find us 10 to 15 degrees cooler in summer and warmer in winter, with protection against strong winds which seem to dissipate right at the gate. This phenomena has been noticed on very windy days walking out to the mailbox at the end of the lane. There seems to be a distinct line of force right out at the gate protecting us from all matter of things. There also seems to be a line of force at the banks where the water meets the shore and we have electronically detected it many times walking through it with our cell phone which goes into immense static in a line of about 4 feet wide. Most cell phones did not work on the property with that recently resolved most likely by the beefing up of the signal by cell providers, and with improvement in cell phones, that is not usually the problem it once was, suffice, some sort of 'zone,' 'interference,' or 'blockage.' We feel this apparent 'null zone' is the reason for the protective nature of the property but we and probably no one else could make a determination of complete accuracy on that. We are in wait of a team with better testing devices to assess the property, report forthcoming when available.
On the long wave, our climate is consistently the mildest in the nation, 360*, year round, for the most part, save when the owners are away as evidenced via TWC realtime and archives linked below. Notice incoming western fronts split miles before reaching our perimeter more often than not. See 'The Storm' in the 'Stories' section.
The Weather Channel USA
We also found a geophysical map, presently at large, with a relative circular marking just in the vicinity of our area which may shed some light as well. If we recall, it was in a search through the DNR or state maps years ago when we first noticed the anomaly. We are said to be in a 'Vortex' which is indicative of Sacred Sites. As mentioned, old CB's of utility company personnel were known not to work in the area at all even out into the east 1/5th side of Clear Lake. Some have said it may be due to an ore deposit thought to be in the general vicinity. Others say it's most likely from whatever anomalies caused the former Indian tribes to gravitate to this area utilizing it as their ceremonial and healing grounds. We second the latter, with Master of Sacred Geometry of Place, Peter Champeaux, in confirmation finding Tarajories in the cradle of a master double helix of concentricities, mapped below. Interestingly enough, the same relative area where the geomantic natural circle shown on the DNR state maps found when we first purchased in 1976. All visitors and long distance intuitives find the energy here very spiritual and protective as have we these past 37 years.
The Cradle of Tarajories
Linked below is the latest information and articles from Sacred Traveler, Shirley MacLaine's, fabulous website covering every facet of the spiritual domain and work, with these in focus of Sacred Sites, such as Tarajories. After your review, you will have enough background to understand what your see and understand in the 'Stories' section. Click on the links below for the articles, and on the LightSpheres photo below for a first-hand look at the evidence of Sacred Light here at Tarajories, or so we feel with other kin in kind, in just one of our unbelievably true and amazing 'Stories of Tarajories.'
Sacred Sites
Sacred Sites of the Heavens
Sacred Locations
Earth Energy
The Most Sacred Site of All: The Soul
Why Go to a Sacred Site
The Stories of Tarajories
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Photo Tours Revisited
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A bit of after-the-fact info re: similar technologies utilized in creation of this greener-than-green-safe VibraHouse: Light & Sound Therapy Retreat featuring The MAX~QLight & Sound Therapy System par excellence enhancing and utilizing the natural subtle energies of Tarajories... can be found via the blue globe links below. As an aside, checking and fixing links below, I couldn't help but succumb to the anger, frustration, and sadness stuffed so deeply for the daily grind otherwise, again, at not being able to finish The MAX~Q in the front bay... notice the 'my way or no way this time' placeholder in the photo... simply due the recurring lack of cooperation on the home front over and over again like a deeply and wearily worn skip in an old LP record. Remember those? Again I recall the immortal lyrics of John Lennon: "...and kept her apart from the things that she loved.' And the point is? What an unconscionable waste of sheer genius, to be so state-of-the-art... so out-in-front-of-the-leading-edge that she wasn't able to make it pay for a sole income, suffering year after year in the interim... years ahead of anyone else in the arena, neither heard nor understood. She's still alive so there's still time. Do a search on Light & Sound Therapy these days... you'll find this is just the barely tip of the iceberg. Make this Light & Sound Extravaganza your own, or share it as a public or private, mysterious, gated, spa on the high end. It's ready to rock & roll with all bedrooms in the Main Manor and the outdoor system [one or more] in Crystal Corner, plus the Main Max~Q in the front 12' bay already hardwired and OK 2 GO with the Spa/baths already finished in both Main Manor and Gentlemen's Quarters. The remainder in wait with plans, non-toxic materials list, and other design ideas a given.

Our Totally 0-VOC Greener than Green Healthy House
Price variations have been up and down like the stock market in a fun sort of offering. We hope to find someone with a similar attitude to accept the honor and privilege of owning this Legendary Sacred Site and Grid Node, and keep the legend alive. Or not, given the current price in any event. Early onset pricing was offered in a casual private bidding situation suggested @ $2,599,000... for those who
know. Those who knew came but were financially at rest. Off and on the market with a 2011 remit re: original list price reduced to $1,997,000 USD good until May 31, 2011, then back off the market. With another significant raise after return from our disastrous review of Santa Fe, an optional destination, requiring a rest and revamp and another off-market tenure to recoup, then fall 2013 reduction to $1,795,000 for the current offering. Some people have not understood our outside-the-box, stock-market-like, fun-thing price fluctuations. It's supposed to be a playful, fun thing. When the right party meets the owners whimsical attitude on a given day, you just never know. Make an offer and we'll consider it. We are self-sustainable here to withstand any global disasters. Drive-thrus welcome. Preferably shown with advance notice, but not required. 3% commission if your contact buys so spread the word!
Contact: Evan @ 1-260-495-3211, After 11 a.m. Indiana USA, Eastern Standard Time