Y o u r F o r e s t
Green! Green! Green!
It Doesn't Get Any Greener Than This!
The Following 'Summer' Set Is About... Trees.
Age old pines, hardwoods and natural forest acreage with the gamut of
northeastern Indiana flora & fauna visiting or living on the estate make
this waterfront paradise the only-one-of-its-kind nature preserve it
is. With the expanse of over 4 and 1/3 acres of undisturbed, private, secluded, prime waterfront real estate in an otherwise maxed out high-end resort area being the main draw here, the inspiration is endless for use as an artist's/writer's retreat, corporate or private sanctuary, integrative Light & Sound medical retreat, vacation home, StarKid Kamp for up & coming healers and intuitive empaths, and, our first choice... full-time private residence... priceless. On behalf of the trees, again, not 'ancient,' but some over 150 - 200 years old says the master arborist, let us focus on but not limit to finding parties interested in keeping the greater share if not all of the property in its current state. You may not notice the 'Do Not Disturb' signs on all the irreplaceable towering oaks, shagbark maple, flowering American tulip & catalpa, beech, walnut, yellow birch, redbud, flowering dogwood, magnolia, tamarack, various pine and the rest, but they are there... so, please... if you would be so gracious... leave them all undisturbed. The thick forest perfume will intoxicate you each Spring and Summer, if you take time to notice strains of honeysuckle, multiflora rose, and the like. The new sprinkler system [in process] will keep the landscaping near the house in good condition, the rest takes care of itself. The lawn is little trouble only needing a trim a few times a year due to the shade and profuse Spring flowers we enjoy until the first or second week of June. At that, the master arborist gets around on his cyclone rider mower [included] in about an hour both summer, maybe every other week if that, with a few extra trips in the fall for leaf pick-up which he simply scatters about the north forest in nix of burning. However, if you don't find lawn and garden therapeutic, there are many reliable lawn maintenance people in the area who are recommended highly by our gold coast neighbors. The first 3 jpg's feature the towering shagbark maple on the east [front] grounds with the remaining jpg's a 360* of the remaining forest including a splash of flowering tulip, Spring.

Current list of $1,997,000 is good until May 31, 2011... for those who know.
Contact: Evan or Suzy @ 1-260-495-3211
All photos (c) Suzy Rice on this page