Serene Oriental Gardens & Garden Paths in a Labyrinth of Wander
Follow the flagstone path to your heart's desire. All stonework on the main manor and the flagstone paths and patios was done by the master arborist and mad landscaper himself, stone by stone, over a period of several years, as was the installation of the floral work. Design and placement input on much of the exterior and all architectural, interior and light & sound design, via Suzy, with finish work done by Evan, so you know it's been a labor of love on both parts with as much care having gone into its presentation. Recent landscaping along the back of the manor has already grown well over a foot since planting. Walking the labyrinth paths with the exterior stereo sound system cranked, one finds realtime flanger, phase shift, phase cancellation, doppler and other interesting effects in the walking amongst Misco stereo cans, which is just part of the journey and therapeutic matrix. Those who understand electronics, especially acoustical systems, will understand thru realtime experience in the walking, the realtime acoustical mechanics behind the development of hardware and software designed to recreate these effects in studio applications.

Current list good until May 31, 2011... for those who know.
Contact: Evan or Suzy @ 1-260-495-3211
Most photos (c) Suzy Rice, the remainder, (c) Evan R. Rice, tunes (c) Suzy Rice, all available for marketing