S a n c t u a r y
Summer Pan Around Lake Anne
Estimating Lake Anne to be between 17-20 acres at varying depths of 30-40 feet fed by 5 natural springs, as told by someone mapping with a depth finder years ago now. Connected to Clear Lake, which is literally within swimming distance, by a lush lagoon and lagoon island with pristine spring water flowing through the lagoon into Clear Lake, this private but accessible site is priceless in views, privacy, and accommodations. Lake Anne as the headwaters of this chain remains pristine, as confirmed by DNR water reports, with its 5 natural springs bellowing fresh, cold, natural spring water of approximately 93 million gallons which flows outwardly to Clear Lake and beyond with the legendry Ceremonial Hill said to be the highest geographical point in Indiana. Surface water temperatures in summer are warmer most days than other lakes making this a natural spa-like environment with legendary healing waters and plush vegetation sharing their wealth for a literal bath in Bach Flower Remedies (don't tell anyone!).
Our favorite photo of the evening's rose-pink sunset heads this line-up, totally un-retouched or edited in any way, in this 35mm slide scanned to jpg taken a few years ago. The remainder, close-up of aquatic vegetation; arrowheads, honeysuckle, various ferns, lily pads with water lilies in a variety of colors, mostly white, pastel pink and bright yellow these days, all flowering at one point or another throughout the year, which will hopefully remain as undisturbed as it is now. Just barely noticeable are docks and 3 other homes of the 6 rarely-seen residents, most hi-end vacation-home owners, none of whom use gas motors keeping the water pristine clean supported by recent water tests. But people do occasionally visit the lake through the lagoon from Clear Lake with gas motor boats, confirming that it is passable, so one could take one's motor boat to Clear Lake and back. However, Clear Lake does have a nice sail club and marina where one could harbor much larger craft should one care to do so, with good fishing and playtime accoutrements on both lakes, and wonderful, fun-loving Clear Lake home owners to play with.
We get cottonwood seeds and various pollens on the water in spring for a few weeks, which looks like a nasty algae for a while deterring too many visitors to our delight, but looking closely is actually a combination of the usual pollens and a tiny, round yellow-green seed, and also a lovely, tiny kelly green 3-leaf clover-type plant with a tiny trailing root, close-up shown below with peak-bloom, chaste white water lily, all of which are officially nameless to the webmaster at the moment, sorry. Scooping a handful confirms the pristine, clear water and tiny plants at hand, but its unappealing appearance sometimes deters visitors, which is a good thing in our opinion, no offense, and part of our 'keep out-invisibility cloak.' It all disappears just as quickly in a few weeks or so and will become the welcome Spring parade each year for you as it does us. Afternoon reflections in a mirrored Lake Anne could 180 this jpg without knowing the difference. The presence of water lilies and blue skies eminate the serenity of nirvana and carefree summer repose.

Current list @ $1,997,000 good until May 31, 2011 as noted elsewhere... for those who know.
Contact: Evan @ 1-260-495-3211
All photos (c) Suzy or Evan Rice, Onwners