~ Tarajories ~
Hill of Health ~
~ Location! Location! Location!
When: Tarajories, Hill of Health, as deemed by Baubese and Potowatami Indians as documented by T. P. Riddle, Sr. in his stash of documents and personal memoirs, as told by son, T. P. Riddle, Jr., with additional input by Ms. Elizabeth Hanna and Mr. Earl McNaughton, local historians in days of yore, lies across the lagoon and up 'The Hill' to the highest point in Indiana. Key to the mystery, as sensitives attuned to the land, American Indians, like many indigenous tribes, were instinctively drawn to such locations. This Sacred Site enjoyed sharing its exuberance during Indian ceremonies, ritual, and pow wows at the crown of The Hill across the lagoon where Chief Red Jacket's burial rock still nests in honor after being moved from its original burial ground on the north shore of Clear Lake. Be clear, however, that The Hlll proper is not on our property, and we have adopted the name with the healing energetics apparently eminating from our parcel as well. A recent Home Channel broadcast on a similar site developed into a 'tree house' retreat reports that sites such as this can not be created, they just exist. And this is one that 'just exists,' enhanced
with 35 years' cultivation by The Owners.
Flowing with Indian tradition, this legendary Sacred Site with its legendary healing energies, vortex, and mystical anomalies presents with ample documentation of healings and recoveries experienced and written about by the original owner, T. P. Riddle, Sr., thru the present owners and guests, linked below in the 'stories' section. Likened somewhat to Lourdes, no disrespect intended, also having presented with angelic visitations on more than one occasion to the present owners, its charismatic energy is blatantly evident. Nurtured by Mother Nature Herself, Tarajories continues to prove itself time and again reflected in guests' exclaims of feeling this extraordinary energy or ambiance, by whatever name, as they stand in awe in its presence. The scanned 35mm slide below shows a number of aetheric light spheres with several rays extending out from each filmed just out over Lake Anne with jpg below linked to the 'Story.' You may have to turn up the 'brightness' on your monitor, or 'save and enlarge' in your graphics program, to see them all as well as other cloud painting anomalies that show well in the original slide and print. The next 2 links are just 2 of thousands of organizations now dedicated to the study of subtle and healing energetics, ISSSEEM and USPA.
US Psychotronics Organization
Zillow ~ for the Concise Version ~ Direct
StarKamp! for the Philanthropists in our Midst
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A bit of info on similar technology utilized in creation of this Greener than Green, Safe Haven & Healing Sanctuary, VibraHouse, and The MAX~Q Light & Sound Therapy System can be found via the links below.
