T a r a j o r i e s

~ Hill of Health ~

~ ***** ~

~ * ~

~ You'll likely need a laptop or desktop to review more infomation ~

~ than anyone wants to know, and a back button. ~

~ Enjoy! ~

Possibly Back on Market... For Those Who Know. Possibly back on market given an offer we can't refuse with this page given an unusual restructuring for those who appreciate rare Sacred Sites~Power Spots, not to mention its rare beauty, and for record-breaking rhododendrons. See rhody videos and photos below as well as those of the Main Manor and Gentleman's Quarters. Bottom line: $1,995,000 additionally in view of the 4 monumental weather emergency threats effectively eliminated 2024 via Tarajories Sacred Site & Grid Node, Ladies of the Lake, LightSpheres [see The Stories of Tarajories linked below] and other assistance. We couldn't possibly let this fall into the hands of those who would defile, poison, and destroy. Only, for those who know... or would like to know. You can do it 2.

50 years' rhododendrons over 20 ft. high... Also, 2 fully furnished abodes on the property, Main Manor currently under refurb, so if changes are intended, now is the time. We will cover refurb unless, of course, the intention is to tear down and build new, saving trees and rhodys, then 'as is,' the common procedure here in Clear Lake. Likely a scene/set location for documentaries or blockbuster feature film.

The primary issue for us is, we haven't yet found another property in AZ that matches this in any respect, or that we like at all, at any price... so far. Caveat: there will be an ironclad clause in the contract re: not cutting down our precious trees or tearing out rhododendrons, save moving them in case of a tear down and rebuild on site. Will not sell to developers. Photos of the Main Manor and Gentleman's Quarters are also linked below the demonstrations, yet to be acknowledged and compensated.

March 2023 Ice Storm: Extraordinary Atmospheric Assist. Phenomenae as such happen here honoring our Sacred Site & Grid Node: Power Spot. Who among you is up to it? This... this 'Passing of the Torch' is our main concern. Otherwise, all is lost to what would have been. Priceless.

What you see here is thick, dangerous ice covering everything slowly and safely melting for miles around to spare the arena any further damage. Power was restored soon after. [Note: Producing the phenomenae is easier than inspiring those who have been repeatedly spared and otherwise benefitted from the work, personal or business, to appropriately pass the hat, thank you. Donations welcome via Paypal to the ieshea email on the contact page or Key in Angola.] Caveat: if the new owners do not replace the main manor with a new dream home we will be replacing the HVAC 2017 due to a contractor issue, and covering other minor refurb in wait since it's impractical to refurb it all now if new owners are going to do something different. New metal roofs are also in process. However the Sacred Geometry and Feng Shui design is truly orgasmic enhancing the healing and immensely powerful energies available here, for those who know. Keeping the 'preserve' theme here we won't allow any trees to be cut down or other flora fauna unless they may be carefully moved, i.e. rhododendrons or other small flora framing the home. Preserve: flora & fauna here and they will do the same for you.

We encourage those who know to 'test' with their BG3 or other pendulums or testing devices to confirm this is an authentic Power Spot with legendary and otherwise confirmed healing water and energy, etc. The video demonstration above demonstrates heart~brain coherence, unfathomably deep meditation, and unwavering focus via: Sacred BioGeometry and Pranic Healing, 'best of' toolz of the trade learned and practiced here guided by The Light. Audio track RSVP SOS from the upcoming film of the same name (c) 2023 Gregor Rice et al.

Spectacular Yearly Rhododendron Video Tour ~ Many over 20 feet high nurtured by Master Arborist, Evan R. Rice ~ new irrigation system offers maintenance-free enjoyment

Resplendent Rhododendrons Photo Tour

2024 Rhododendron Growth Encapsulated

Estate Grounds Video Tour

Still Photos of Main Manor & Gentleman's Quarters & Info

[scroll down the linked page above for interior photos ~ links to Clear Lake Gold Coast comps 2024 update in process]

Printable Brochure

Contact Info

See *More info, videos, info on water, links to video demonstrations, stories, etc.* linked below

This website was designed so anyone anywhere in the world can make a confident offer without an onsite visit

Truly Sacred: The Light Awaits You Here ~ Priceless

One Thing I Learned Here Pitching My Listening Into The Light via video demonstration presented at Sleeping Bear Dunes Natuional Lakeshore, MI/USA.

We intend to Attract New Owners with an Interest in Listening, et al, and enjoying working with the Sacred Energy, The Grid, The Power Spot and protecting all our beloved flora and fauna as we have. See The Stories of Tarajories linked below for more actual photos and video footage taken by the owners of what mystery and amazement await you here. We's think it a very rare find to own a Power Spot in convenient proximity to a high-end community, ammenities and new organic restaurants.

The Stories of Tarajories [presentation in process still in wait of digitizing the media, however, the unbelievably true and amazing Stories are here. Click thru the stereoillusion to enjoy them all with more to come.]

For the update on what I learned here. You Can Do It 2

Just one reason why The New Owners won't be cutting down any trees. Learn how trees talk... and they do! And so does all flora/fauna. If you live in nature long enough you will learn Mother Nature's 'Naturespeak.' Enjoy this link then search YouTube for more on the latest research. 50 years in the forest teaches about all sentient life. This includes the rhododendrons & all flora~fauna in this coveted paradise preserving a few of the bits & pieces left on this beautiful Earth. See 'The Sanctity of All Sentient Life' @ The Stories of Tarajories linked above, if you missed it. Priceless.

Airports, Education, & Points of Interest

Getting to be a real celebrity hang-out: Justin Bieber [& others] Enjoys Clear Lake 2015+ with nameless celeb property owners adjacent & Gold Coast

~ More Photos, Videos, Info on our Precious, Pristine Lake Ann Water, et al ~

~ Contact Information revisited ~

The Neighborhood ~ Enjoy your privacy OR a bustling social scene pdf ~

Location, Location, Location pdf ~ more interesting info

~ All Music & Demonstrations, Photos, Most Videos, Text, & Web Design (c) S. Gregor Rice with Evan, both in heartfelt [hopefully not sorrowful] farewell should we reconsider with an offer we can't refuse from one of... Those Who Know~